True Angel Story: A Kitty Named Sly
Last summer was a rough time for our family. My dearest aunt died after slipping into a coma for three days and our favorite kitten suddenly got Lymphoma and passed away within two months.
After my aunt died, I dreamed that she was sitting under a cabana having some wine. She was happy and relaxed.
"How are you feeling now?" I asked her.
She said better but she was still just a bit cold. I wanted to comfort her with one
of the crocheted blankets that she had made for me over the years but she said, "No you keep the blankets."
In the distance I heard a mournful cat crying and crying and woke up. I felt agitated by the sadness of the cat's wailing but comforted by the connection with my aunt.
Two weeks later my kitten, Sly, developed cancer. We tried everything to heal him including expensive vet visits, medicine, herbal products, love, and prayer.
I would let him sit on the special blankets lovingly crocheted by my aunt and he seemed comforted. He would sometimes stare up at a small picture of Jesus I have above my bed.
My husband even had the people at Mass pray for Sly. A week before we lost him, I saw the tiniest of white angels fluttering outside the window in our redwood tree. I held Sly tightly, afraid they were taking him that day.
Another week passed and I again saw the tiny white angels tapping on the bathroom window as if to say, "Come on Sly-it is time to go to heaven." Sly was a fighter just like his namesake, Slyvester Stallone, and hung on for a few days longer.
But a few days later when we were driving to the vet, I sensed what I needed to do. I held his paw and said, "You can go now if you need to go". He gasped and peacefully died right as we drove over a bridge.
I didn't see the tiny angels again but this experience convinced me that angels come to us in our dreams as well as our waking life. I felt somewhat comforted by my encounter with angels.
(c) 2008 Terry Haugen
Labels: angel pet stories, angels, pet angels, pet death, true angel stories
Thank you for sharing the sweet story, Julie! Pets can be such a comfort, and seeing the angel was a special blessing.
Julie, Thanks for publishing my story about Sly's angels. I really enjoyed your other angel stories too. What a gift we all have in Jesus!Sparkles
Thanks for reading, both of you! I also enjoyed the story and have had many beloved pets die. Stories such as these comfort me too! -Julie
I enjoyed the angel story about Sly, and how the angel comforted you and I saw a photo of Sly, a beautiful kitty.
If you are reading this and have an angel story to share, please email me at
Thanks! -Julie
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